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Does my child need a moisturiser?

Babies and children are more prone to dry skin than adults as their skin is thinner and is more prone to dryness. They are also more likely to be irritated from environmental irritants and low humidity. Therefore, it is recommended that children use a moisturiser to help maintain skin hydration.


How to choose a moisturiser for you child?


Opt for unscented products

Although it may be more appealing, avoid products with fragrances as these are known to cause allergies or irritation, particularly in children with sensitive skin.


Avoid preservatives

Whether natural or synthetic, preservatives are amongst the commonest skin irritants. This is especially the case if your child has sensitive skin or a problem with the skin barrier, such as eczema.


Natural doesn’t equal best

Despite popular belief, natural ingredients aren’t better for the skin. In fact, most natural ingredients (such as essential oils and nut oils) in moisturisers can be irritants and even lead to strong food allergies later in life. It is best to avoid all food-based products in skin care until after the child has been exposed to the food by mouth.


Choose simple formulation

Check the label on the back and count how many ingredients are in the moisturiser. The more ingredients, the more likely your child could react to something in the product.


The thicker the better

When it comes to choosing a moisturiser for children, choose ointment rather than cream or lotion. These tend to last longer on the skin and act as a barrier, trapping moisture.


If your child has particular skin problems speak to a dermatologist about the best moisturiser for their skin type.


This article was prepared by Dr Tevi Wain


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IMPORTANT: KinderDerm provides advice of a general nature only for advice specific to yourself or your child please see you doctor.

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